Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 10, 2011

Nokia is back... With WP7 and a vengeance in mind!

It's been a long time since, but Symbian and Meego can finally bow out. Symbian can be proud it has survived this long but it's waned popularity does little for it to bow out in more dignity than Nokia would have liked. But they knew last year that they had to do something drastic to save their stranglehold as the once indisputable king in the 90s and early 2000s. The likes of RIM, Apple and Android have taken a big chunk of their OS market and most definitely affected the sales of their phones.
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Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2011

SEGA Celebrates Halloween via an App Store Sale!

SEGA's getting into the Halloween sprit by way of an app store sale! Okay, so it really isn't Halloween related, though the port of Virtua FIghter 2 is pretty scary. The prices are great, with Brick People and ChuChu Rocket! being the standout titles. Check out the list below:
In other handheld news, Sonic Generations for the 3DS has been given a date: November 22nd! You'll note I don't mention the 3DS too often on this blog, as I don't own one. However, with the releases of Shinobi and Sonic Generations, I may just take the plunge and get my hands on a 3DS. I have yet to play any DS titles, and really would like to try the Rush titles and Colors DS. I've also developed a Phoenix Wright obsession thanks to the iPod Touch port of the first game. Since Capcom have yet to confirm more Wright titles for the iOS, I might as well get a 3DS so I can enjoy all the titles as well as new releases.

[Source: Touch Arcade]